Home Inspection The Different Types of Specialized Inspections
Normally, general home inspections are performed during the process of buying a property in Raleigh real estate. There are certain cases, however, wherein items or parts of the house are required to be checked by a particular specialist. The difference between a general inspector and a specialized inspector is that the former might know if there’s something that must be fixed or replaced, but does not have the skills to do it; while the latter knows what must be done. This is the reason why you should get all the necessary inspections for the home.
There are various types of specialized home inspections. Some of them include, but are not limited to, the following:
Inspection of Roof – It’s wise to have the roof inspected if you’re planning to buy a resale, particularly if it seems a little old. The seller may pay for a roof certification, but if he/she does not want to, you should just get your own. However, make sure the company you’re going to hire is respectable.
Inspection of Septic or Sewer System – A lot of older houses may possibly do not have any connections to a sewer system, so it’s important to hire a specialist to inspect the sewers before you close the deal to buy the house. Nowadays, technology uses a digital camera to put into the system and then have it pushed to the main line.
Inspection of Spa and Pool – If you’re planning on buying a house with a swimming pool, you should get a spa and pool inspection. Experts on this field would know how to estimate the life expectancy of key components like the heater or the spa blower. The inspection can also show leaks, if there are any.
Inspection of Plumbing and Water Systems – If the house has galvanized pipes, plumbers can determine if they need replacements. There are cases in which pipes are so clogged up that a pencil’s lead can hardly fit through it.
Inspection of Trees – If the house you plan on buying has some trees on the yard, you should have it inspected by an arborist to see whether they are healthy.
Inspection of Soil Stability – Houses that are located near mountains or on hillsides must have the stability of the soil inspected by an expert. Obviously, no one wants to experience land slides during rainstorms. Some places have soil that is likely to be contaminated so it is really crucial to get this type of specialized inspection.
Inspection of Well – Have the well examined by a specialist if there’s one in the property you’re about to purchase. He can inspect the construction and figure out the water table’s depth and check the water sanitation.
Inspection of Methane or Radon Gas – Experts who handle this type of specialized inspection are called mitigation contractors. Hire one so you can have the house examined for methane or radon gas, and then have it removed, if there are any.
Inspection of Mold – A lot of health problems may be caused by mold; even healthy people can be affected. Mold has various kinds and it’s advisable to hire an expert to test the quality of the air if there is mold.
Aside from those listed above, there are other types of specialized inspections available. If your inspector suggests that you hire some specialists, you should do it before purchasing the house you like among Raleigh homes for sale. You would want everything to run smoothly, right?