Home Staging – 5 Essential Steps
Home Staging can be broken down and analyzed into it’s component parts that should all come together to create the desired and needed final outcome.The first step is to see the home as a potential buyer will when they make their first visit. This will probably mean some minor conflicts with the owners of the house that are already emotionally attached and have the house “the way they want it”. Sometimes it will require a fair amount of tact and diplomacy to convince the home owner that the 217 pictures of their only Grandchild need to be boxed up for the move.
Step -1: Develop ability to see homes through “Buyer’s Eyes”
First impressions are just that and formed instantly when the home shopper arrives and enters the property. They actually get their first impression when they arrive at the property before ever getting out of the car (actually, before that- as they appraise the neighborhood but that is out of your control). Next, they will always form a very strong impression of how they feel about the house the moment they enter the front door. Think about it for a second; don’t you do the exact same thing when you first enter a strange house or even a place of business? Of course you do, we all do. The home shopper will then spend the rest of their time mentally validating and confirming that first impression.
Step 2: Develop Objectivity
You need to develop the ability to look at everything with a critical and even judgmental prospective while asking yourself what a stranger might think or feel when seeing for the first time. A good Home Staging Course will go over all of these types of evaluations.
Step 3: Identify the Home’s Faults
The sellers may not be especially eager to discuss these but if you truly want to do your job as a professional Home Stager that will in turn benefit the seller by getting their house sold quicker and for more money then you have to be brutally frank about identifying the problem areas. Are the interior walls dirty and in need of paint? Are counter tops chipped or broken? Is the lawn overgrown and poorly maintained? Too much clutter and junk laying around? (almost 100% on that one!!) Whatever, make a list and go over with the seller. Most Home Staging courses will have standard evaluation and checklist forms for you to use.
Step 4: Identify the Home’s Good Points
This is a lot more fun for all parties and can always be done. Every home, no matter how bad usually has some especially good features. Does it have a great fireplace or extra nice Bay window? A huge living room that would be perfect for entertaining? Perhaps an eat-in kitchen that can be made to look especially charming and cozy. Find the good points and then decorate or stage the home around them.
Step 5:Turn the Negatives in to Positives …. or at least Neutrals
Walls can be painted, old carpets replaced (and you might even find some great hardwood floors underneath). Lawns can be mowed, weeded and perhaps even some minor landscaping with some plants. Heavy, dark drapes removed and furniture rearranged. You don’t have to be an interior decorator to be a success at Home Staging but you do need a firm understanding of the basic skills that are learned in Home Staging classes.