What Is Your Motivation For Building A Home Staging Business

Upon the arrival of spring, everyone is ready for a rebirth of sortsI know I always am, what about you? For some of you it is a job or career change ( I hope it is a change to a career in home staging!), for others it is an improvement in the existing way you do business, some of you will clean out the clutter, others will readjust your mindset and some will stay status quo.

For me, I always find that when I am ready to change, I start to get a bit fidgety. Pete really sees it before I do and after 21 years, he has learned to approach the topic with kid gloves! I realize, now with greater maturity (yes, I can just call it what it really is-age!), that my need for a re-birth is often because my motivation has changed.

As long as I can remember, I wanted to be an actor. I acted my way through middle school, high school and college. Then I was off to L. A. to become a professional actor. I was fortunate enough to have acted in commercials, movies, in the voice-over industry as a corporate actor. I acted with Bruce Willis, Sarah Jessica Parker, was featured on HGTVand so many other great experiences. But,as an actor, no matter the media or part, you always want to know your motivation so you know what drives your character. This is an actors homework. I once read an article where Meryl Streep said that with each character, she always had a secret. The secret motivated her character to act the way she acted.

At some point in my life I decided to move on from acting and go into business which I think I love even morepossibly because I have more control in order to satisfy my control freak nature! My motivation was simply that I needed to grow and knew that I was at the top of my game with acting. There were also sub-motivators like needing to pay my mortgage!

So if you have recently decided upon a rebirth and part of your motivation is to pay your bills with your home staging business or home staging services, then you need to take your motivation one step further and discover the motivation of your client.

In home staging, and you already know this if you have experienced APSD Certified Home Staging courses , you have to find out what motivates the client or seller so you can speak to that desire and help them to achieve their goals. Once you determine a clients motivation, selling the proper home staging service becomes simple.

The problem is most people start by skipping their clients motivation and going directly for the sale. The problem with this is twofold: 1) You may be missing the mark with your clients desires and 2) Now you are just competing against everyone else trying to sell the same thing. And even, worse, with this approach you will be competing on price vs. value to the client.

Find out what motivates your client and you will have a client for life. One of my mentors favorite examples of this is Dominos pizza. Their slogan used to be Delivered in 30 minutes or less or its free, guaranteed. They never say it is good or hotjust there in 30 minutes or less. That slogan is speaking to the motivation of the clientthe tired parent who knows the kids need to eat, the hungry yet broke college kid, etc.- not to the person who is dying to have the best pizza of a lifetime!

When you discover your clients home staging motivation, you need to apply your home staging training program . suddenly the staging doors open for you and you might be surprised by the flexibility in pricing as well. Once you speak directly to someones motivation, they are far more likely to pay a higher price.

This is the same thing we teach in the first step of the APSD home staging 6 step pyramidknow your customer! Isnt that motivating?

If you are interested in additional home staging marketing ideas and ways to get your clients to love you so much that you have TOO many home staging jobs, then join me in our monthly Home Staging Coaching Program, LIFT. Details are at www.APSDmembers.com/Coaching Isnt it time to LIFT UP your home staging business?