Why Home Staging Works
Home staging can help you achieve maximum dollar for your home and sell it faster. Here’s why it works:
1. Unstylish means unsold. More often than not, people can not look past empty rooms or even unattractive decor. Successful builders usually use model homes for this reason. Home staging will give the home a more unified, up-to-date, simplified look that people are looking for.
2. A Buyer Can’t Fight the Feeling. House hunters usually start off with a list of things that they want in a home or reasons why they won’t buy. In the end more people tend to buy for emotional reasons sometimes disregarding their list of criteria. Staging your home gives it more of an emotional feeling, it will change, “The second bedroom is too small” to “Wow, this feels like home” and “I can see us living here.”
3. Sold is in the Details. You have been living in you home for a few or even many years. You are used to it. The best thing you can do to improve the look of your home is to have a fresh set of eyes come in to see what you may not. Stagers give you professional advice that you may not have thought of. Even the smallest changes can make a big difference. When buyers come through a home looking to buy they will notice the smallest details even if you don’t anymore.
4. Don’t Trade Sleep for Upkeep. When people have their homes up for sale they often times are too busy and tired to do work on their homes. Buyers see that the house could use some tidying or there is too much clutter. Home stagers come in and do that work for you. They can quickly get the home ready for sale so when the buyer comes in it is organized, clean and has a functional traffic flow.
5. Seeing is Believing. By staging your home you are creating that “model suite” look. This clean, organized look appeals to a broad spectrum of potential buyers. Your home will look better on the internet, in print advertising and in person.
6. Your Home has Gold Status. Realtors look at staged homes as the premium homes to be viewed. As a result you will get more viewings. Staging works and costs less than the usual first price reduction. So, there is nothing to lose, just more to gain.
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